Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No More Braces!

That's right, I got my braces off today! Wahoo! It feels really great! After four years of these dumb things, it's good to have them off.

It kinda feels wierd, though, not having jaggedy metal sticking off my teeth... but I like it. I like it a lot. ^^

Oh, and for those of you who didn't know, my birthday was this month. I'm 17 now! :D

One of my birthday presents was a class ring. It'll be awesometastic... when it comes. It won't get here for another three weeks... but oh well. =)

Um, the next few weeks will be pretty busy for me. I've got an AP English test (AP = Advanced Placement = College level course) next Thursday, and the day before that is IT day, which is really fun. Last year the guest speaker at IT day was Adam and Jaymie from the MythBusters. It was epic. =) The speaker won't be that awesome this year, but it'll still be fun.

Then, a week after that, my uncle Scott is getting married, so I get to go to his wedding! I actually have a dress and everything. Pretty much the only dress I've owned for, like... four years? Lol. I'm not a dress person.

Anyways, I'm done. TTFN! =)