Friday, March 6, 2009


Well hi there all you peoples! I'm Nikki, aka Snikkers. Snikkers is a nickname some of my friends came up with a while back, and it just kinda stuck. It's funny how those things work, ain't it?
So anyways... more about me.
I love being random and I love making people laugh (in case you couldn't tell by the title photo, lol), so I'll probably have something funny in pretty much every post. It's just who I am.
I'm very opinionated, too, and just a little stubborn, and I'm not afraid of posting my opinions and standing by them. So be warned, if you don't like people whose opinions differ from yours... go somewhere else, 'kay? Cause otherwise I'll probably end up arguing with you. XD
I'm also a little immature, but aren't we all? Hehe.
I love music, especially 80's rock, although I listen to pretty much anything except rap. Rap just sucks. Well, except for this one song by Wierd Al, but that doesn't count since it's a song that's making fun of a rap song. The song is "White and Nerdy"
Speaking of nerdy, I can get pretty nerdy at times. I took a PC troubleshooting class a few years ago and built a smallish robot. I still collect Pokemon cards. I spend about three hours a day on the computer.
I love playing video games (I have a wii, computer, PS2, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advanced, and a Nintendo DS) but, on the other hand, I love to read, especially sci-fi and fantasy books.
Speaking of fantasy, I'm obsessed with dragons. I have an entire wall in my room covered in dragon posters. Dragons are awesometastic.
Then again, so are most animals (real or not). I'm an animal lover. ^^ I have two of the most adorable cats ever, Abby and her brother Mustang.
I also like to write. And draw. Drawing is fun. I draw a lot. So maybe I'll post some of my art sometime. I like to take photos too, so you can bet yer bottom I'm gonna have some photos I've taken on here. I'll try my best to resist from retro-posting, though. Otherwise you'll all be swamped in photos I've taken in the past. XD
Um... I think that's about it, really. ^^ So enjoy, and don't mind my randomness!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nikki!! How fun to read so much about you! I look forward to finding out more about you that I don't know! I can't wait to see some pictures and drawings!
